BRIDGE SAVER The Snooper Truckmate Bridge-Saver delivers an all-new large vehicle driving aid, specifically designed to protect you against bridge strikes. Set the height & width of the vehicle and the driver will be alerted before reaching an impassable bridge or tunnel. The easy to read 5” LCD displays vehicle details & current GPS Speed. There are 2,000 bridge strikes in the UK every year - don't become a statist The Snooper Truckmate Bridge-Saver delivers an aid for large vehicle or truck drivers at a very affordable price. Input the height and width of up to 10 vehicles, and select the profile for the vehicle when you install the Bridge-Saver. The driver will be alerted before reaching an impassable bridge or tunnel. The easy-to-read 5” LCD screen displays vehicle details and current speed, informed by the built-in GPS speedometer.